Saturday, 28 January 2012

Pondering postulations

So much to learn, so much to do, so many places to visit, so much yet to become - too much to do, too much to learn, too many places I haven't  been to, too many days are passing on by without me reining in the beauty & space in time to produce the required experiments & goods!! Indulgent procrastination  (fear) - it seems - its seeds sowing within. Hesitation to embark within the Herbalists tasks, feeling so much a novice, maybe Ive bitten off more than I can chew.  Diving into the deep end perhaps not the most sensible ideal. Everyone is it seems so proficient, efficient, ebullient & prescient to Natures unfurling gifts, knowledge  & discovery's.  I day dream, in the garden I adore the Winters horizon - from here upon the hill -  the  familiar silhouette of our spinneys. Never do I tire of the sky, the trees, the movement & energy resonating. The ultimate retreat, to lose oneself amongst the silence & power, the peaceful pulsating nurturing nourishment of life, creation, nature sensed between the heavens & earth.  From the peaceful, powerful  rejuvenation I pray all will bear me the seeds of creativity yet to blossom & bloom !!!
Soon, to just unfurl with ease into the vast wealth of knowledge shared. To participate & enjoy the wonderful joys of learning. My heart is awakened, my desire ignited but the old mind, its never-ending meandering corridors seem a little darkened - full of cobwebs :)  Yet as soon as I see a seed burst to life from containment, the first snowdrops, the crocus shoots I am thrilled to the very core. All ~spring & Summer long I am in awe at all blossoms & buds. Last year I took thousands of photographs, every year I take thousands. Little leaves, buds, flowers & tree bark. Oooh how I need this apprenticship to fill my empty labels beneath all photos :)    Maybe all isn't as yet over, maybe its a slow beginning!! Maybe I'm a late starter.

Saturday, 7 January 2012


Research the structure & function of skin. How does a bruise form. What herbs can be used to help bruises.
Research structure of human blood cells. How does horse-chestnut help to strengthen them.

Herbal terminology
Research & note the meaning of the following term: expectorant, astringent & bitter.

Seasonal tasks
Winter: Collect rosehips & sloes to make a single syrup or combination ssyrup flavoured either with lemon, spices &/or make a rosehip honey.

Herbal Ally Reminders

get to know the ally more intimately.
  •  Meditate/sit and breathe with your green ally for 3-10 minutes a day
  • Make a detailed drawing of the ally as accurate as possible. Next make a soft, impressionistic drawing
  • Find out what parts of the ally are typically used. Find out if other parts are useful. Make oils, tinctures and vinegars of all the useful plant parts (separately). 
  • Observe the conditions the plant chooses to grow in.  
  • Write a story from the point of view of your green ally. (If you have trouble getting started, write a warm up page praising your green ally and telling him/her how much you like him/her and why.
  •  Introduce a friend to your green ally. Tell them all about your ally.
You may wish to include these other exercises
  • ·    Write a song about your green ally.
  •      Write poems about your green ally. 
  •      If edible, eat your green ally as often as possible. 
  •       Try your ally in tea form. 
  •     Start some seeds of your green ally to watch him grow from a seedling into full life
  •       Harvest your ally at all stages of growth  
  •       Sketch, draw, paint your ally at each & every stage of growth

Thursday, 5 January 2012

January Task

Find and map the hawthorn,  the elder trees and the wild rose bushes within a one mile radius from home. Log, photograph, noticing the shape of the tree/bush and any different colourations/lichen growth on different sides of the tree/bush.  Identify whether the rose bush is a dog rose, briar rose or rosa rugosa.  Cut some elder twigs and peel off the bark.  Use this bark to make a double infused bruise salve (need to research what an infused bruise salve actually is:)
Sandpaper the white elder twigs until smooth, then cut into 1cm/1/2” sections, remove the pith and thread on ribbon, string or elastic to make a necklace or bracelet. Also make a hawthorn wand/meditation stick.

Twenty herbs to study throughout the year.

Common name                                                  Latin name
  • Ashwagandha                                                Withania somnifera
  • Bedstraws Lady                                            Gallum verum
  • Bergamot Wild                                             Monarda fistulosa
  • Chickweed                                                      Stellaria media 
  • Coriander                                                       Coriandrum sativum
  • Dog Rose                                                        Rose canina
  • Fever Few                                                       Tanacetum  parthenium
  • Good King Henry                                        Chenopodium bonus henricus
  • Groundsel                                                      Senico Vulgaris
  • Herb Bennet                                                 Geum urbanum
  • Hounds Tongue                                           Cynoglosum officinale
  • Lady's Mantle                                               Alchemilla vulgaris
  • Mallow Musk                                                Malva Moschato
  • Migonette                                                      Reseda lutea
  • Orach Red Plume                                       Atriplex hortensis
  • Oregano Greek                                            Origanum
  • Primrose                                                        Primula Vulgaris
  • Rocket Wild                                                  Eruca vesicaria
  • Rupturewort                                                Hemlaria glabra
  • Samphire Sea                                               Crithmum maritimus