Find and map the hawthorn, the elder trees and the wild rose bushes within a one mile radius from home. Log, photograph, noticing the shape of the tree/bush and any different colourations/lichen growth on different sides of the tree/bush. Identify whether the rose bush is a dog rose, briar rose or rosa rugosa. Cut some elder twigs and peel off the bark. Use this bark to make a double infused bruise salve (need to research what an infused bruise salve actually is:)
Sandpaper the white elder twigs until smooth, then cut into 1cm/1/2” sections, remove the pith and thread on ribbon, string or elastic to make a necklace or bracelet. Also make a hawthorn wand/meditation stick.Twenty herbs to study throughout the year.
Common name Latin name
- Ashwagandha Withania somnifera
- Bedstraws Lady Gallum verum
- Bergamot Wild Monarda fistulosa
- Chickweed Stellaria media
- Coriander Coriandrum sativum
- Dog Rose Rose canina
- Fever Few Tanacetum parthenium
- Good King Henry Chenopodium bonus henricus
- Groundsel Senico Vulgaris
- Herb Bennet Geum urbanum
- Hounds Tongue Cynoglosum officinale
- Lady's Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris
- Mallow Musk Malva Moschato
- Migonette Reseda lutea
- Orach Red Plume Atriplex hortensis
- Oregano Greek Origanum
- Primrose Primula Vulgaris
- Rocket Wild Eruca vesicaria
- Rupturewort Hemlaria glabra
- Samphire Sea Crithmum maritimus
Hello Paules, What a wonderful list of herbs :) It will be great fun following your journeys with them this year. I have never worked with several of the herbs you have listed, so will be following closely to learn more:) Welcome to blogland, you are doing fine:)
ReplyDeleteHello C.C., Ooh dear really - are they? Sounds like I have a challenge on my hands, it was a case of close my eyes, point & do eeeanie meeeanie miney mo!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the warm welcome, fingers crossed the doing fine will continue!!
I'm looking forward very much to learning so much from you all.
I was tempted to do the eenie miney mo way of choosing my 20 also! :) Not meaning to imply any on your list are more difficult, just saying some I have not worked with! :) I find that fact just awesome! I imagine one could work with herbs their entire life and still, someone would mention one that was new to them:) The wonderful thing about herbs.. it is never boring, always something new:) big hugs xxx
ReplyDeleteYou're going to have fun, Paules. I admit I had to google some of them! You've actually got a really interesting mixture of medicinal and edible wild "flowers". For anyone else who is wondering, mignonette is a close relative of weld (think yellow dye from the root), orach red plume is a mountain spinach and rupturewort can be used for ulcers. I'm going to challenge you to find wild samphire growing in salt marshes near you, Paules!
ReplyDeleteYIKES!! Okay Sarah, perhaps I should've waited til I get home to decide on the herbs - especially the wild samphire I think I've made a mistake ... I've written down the wrong one perhaps it should've been Salicornia europaea!!!! :( I looked at a local -online - herb croft & chose because they sounded useful to learn about. Its all been a little hectic & my enthusiasm a bit disjointed with travelling etc . Funnily enough I was going to email you to ask your opinion on the whole list!!
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your help.. be in touch with my new list :)
I'd been looking at this site,