Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Hawthorn Ally

Its been a while since I've logged in, I've been out & about plus a wee bit under the weather. Serious headaches, maybe caused by the Cleavers Tea, maybe the cleansing process is causing a mini healing - detox - crisis :)
Thought it about time I updated my lovely Hawthorn ally, who is slowly merging from containment. Lush vibrant green leaves now opening to the sunshine. Energy equally as vibrant, regular & strong. Spring has sprung!!
Loving my more attuned liaison with our Hawthorns :)
The cherry blossom is on its merry way & our yellow hedges are looking quite glorious.
Hope you're all enjoying the warmth of the sun & the vibrant newness & creativity of Spring.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Multifairious ;)

 Multifarious shelters :)  a perfect abode - a tiny village at the bottom of the garden.  As if the fairies really do live here.  Such ideal habitat to create their wee homes, graced with rainbow tree lights too. An array of miscellaneous delights.
these stunners are in the concave bit of an old dead tree trunk
 Somehow, not sure how the camera caught the sunlight pervading through the trees. Exquiste rainbow light. Perfect for the fairies :D


Our neighbours tree is just coming into blossom. Many of the branches just starting to look adorned. It has the most exquisite delicate scent. The White Blossom is stunning. Our other neighbour has the Pink Blossom which I always think is the Cherry.  Please, is the White Blossom - Orange Blossom or is it a Plum Blossom?  My neighbours daughter seems to think it was Orange Blossom but I'm not too sure as I don't ever recall seeing oranges!!! Or is that too simple . I took another photie this morning as we had a heavy fog & there is so much moisture in the air I thought the flowers would be quite beautiful with the water droplets.
Amazing how the micron fog droplets cling to the stamen, buds & petals. Yet seemingly weightless in their presence. Loving our Springtime extremes - yesterday glorious sunshine & warmth today foggy & really cold!!